Meet Nadav Sivan

Singer, songwriter and producer - Nadav's music and live shows are enthralling audiences all over the world - playing heart felt piano ballads to full band super pop, Nadav's combination of influences is magnetic.

Partially deaf until the age of four, Nadav studied and played classical piano through his childhood and teens, starting to write and record his own songs at the age of 18. 

Debut single ‘Black Mirror’ was followed by ‘Us to Stop’ with it's 2 videos which both won several film festival awards. His debut album ‘Til the Day We Die’ was released in August 2023 and launched with spectacular live performances in Tel Aviv, Singapore and Bangkok.

2024 has included shows in Berlin, Cannes and London and the track ‘U So Hot’ was used in the latest series of the Kardashians, alongside another award winning video. New release 'Perfume' will follow later this year – in the meantime please register to hear about live shows and check out the amazing live version of 'U So Hot' below.

U So Hot! 

Nadav's music includes pop, hip-hop, funk, and classical music - but it was 'U So Hot's' swagger that attracted the producers of The Kardashians who included the track over Kim and Cardi B at the Balenciaga fashion show in a June 2024 episode . 

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